turistautak.hu térképrészleteK+ jelzés GPS-szel
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Old Eyehozzászólásai | válasz erre | 2009.04.28 08:35:09 (247)
Mindenre gondoltál, Ládafia!
Ha jelentkeznek nálad, ha megmarad a kapcsolat, azért kérdezd meg majd, jártak-e már nálunk vagy valahol Balkánon.... Nem tudom, a legjobb forrás, a 'Lonely Planet' miket ír rólunk. Közbiztosnsági problémákkal, nyelvi nehézségekkel fognak majd szembesülni... különben nagyszerû élményekkel megrakodva térnek majd haza!
Esetleg... ajánlhatnád a DDK-t, a mi GeoKék2 váltótúránkat. Óriási ismeretségre, ismeretségi körre fognak szert tenni. Mi is.
[előzmény: (246) Ládafia, 2009.04.27 21:41:04]

Ládafiahozzászólásai | válasz erre | 2009.04.27 21:41:04 (246)
Hi joane92,

If you only want to walk (part of) the BlueTour, these two atlases (or just one of them) are/is the best for the purpose.
(yes, these two volumes cover the whole BT (1128km in total) which means 500+ km/atlas)

However, if you plan to walk other (than the BT) parts/routes of certain areas/mountains as well, (what I assume) I suggest that - instead of the BT atlas - you should buy the dedicated atlas(es) for that/those area(s).
The reason for which I recommend this is, that the BT atlas focuses on the BT and the very adjacent routes only, therefore when using that, it can happen, that you leave the BT route and you get "off map" even if you are still in the same mountain.

Should you need any further info on this subject, (maps, shops, etc.) please feel free to contact me directly at my email address which you can find in my profile by clicking on my name in the header of this post.

Wish you a great time in Hungary!
[előzmény: (244) joene92, 2009.04.27 20:14:48]

joene92hozzászólásai | válasz erre | 2009.04.27 20:14:48 (244)
Hi, I'am sorry I don't speak Hungarian. I have a question for you. I'm a leader of a group of boyscouts and we're coming to Hungary to hike this summer. I was considering to buy some maps, but I can't figure out what I'm buying. We want to walk portions of the blue tour, but we don't have a GPS. So We're looking for an atlas of good old-fashioned maps. I was looking at this:

This shop sells quite sheap a two volume atlass of the blue tour. Doe these two volumes cover the whole of the tour or are they just the first two to appear?

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